Drs. KC Kaltenborn and Cathie Schumacher, Anchorage Project Access founders, were honored on Sunday, May 17 as recipients of Congregation Beth Sholom’s 2009 Shining Lights Award. Congregation Beth Sholom hosts an annual banquet in honor of community members, whose work and life embody the Hebrew concept of Tikkun Olam, “repairing the world.” Speakers at this year’s event included Archbishop Roger Schwietz, Father Scott Medlock of St. Patrick’s Parish, Anchorage Project Access Board Vice-President Dr. Jerome List, and Tommie Brown, a former recipient of donated healthcare through Project Access, who expressed his deep and personal gratitude for creating the network of care that met his medical need in a life-changing way. Also appearing at the event to publically thank Drs. Kaltenborn and Schumacher were Senator Mark Begich, Acting Mayor Matt Claman, State Representative Les Gara and State Senator Hollis French.
As Drs. Kaltenborn and Schumacher accepted the Shining Lights Award, they shared briefly the convictions that guided them and acknowledged the numerous individuals in the community who were instrumental in bringing Project Access to fruition. Dr. Kaltenborn quoted Dr. Brian Green, Executive Director of Christian Health Associates, as saying, “Anchorage Project Access is too important to fail.” This sentiment was the energy that propelled the numerous founders during the Anchorage Project Access implementation period.
As was noted in the program and by many who came to the podium, this award honoring Drs. Kaltenborn and Schumacher also “pays tribute to all those providers and health-related facilities and institutions that make Anchorage Project Access possible.”
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff, congratulations to Drs Kaltenborn, Schumacher and the numerous physicians and business professionals responsible for launching Anchorage Project Access in our community. And to the volunteer network that makes Anchorage Project Access a reality—a heartfelt thank you. Anchorage Project Access would not exist without your ongoing generosity.
Posted: June 22, 2009 by Mickela Olson
The Colleague: January 2016
The Colleague January 2016
Posted: May 11, 2009 by char
Shining Lights Award Honors All Who Give
Drs. KC Kaltenborn and Cathie Schumacher, Anchorage Project Access founders, were honored on Sunday, May 17 as recipients of Congregation Beth Sholom’s 2009 Shining Lights Award. Congregation Beth Sholom hosts an annual banquet in honor of community members, whose work and life embody the Hebrew concept of Tikkun Olam, “repairing the world.” Speakers at this year’s event included Archbishop Roger Schwietz, Father Scott Medlock of St. Patrick’s Parish, Anchorage Project Access Board Vice-President Dr. Jerome List, and Tommie Brown, a former recipient of donated healthcare through Project Access, who expressed his deep and personal gratitude for creating the network of care that met his medical need in a life-changing way. Also appearing at the event to publically thank Drs. Kaltenborn and Schumacher were Senator Mark Begich, Acting Mayor Matt Claman, State Representative Les Gara and State Senator Hollis French.
As Drs. Kaltenborn and Schumacher accepted the Shining Lights Award, they shared briefly the convictions that guided them and acknowledged the numerous individuals in the community who were instrumental in bringing Project Access to fruition. Dr. Kaltenborn quoted Dr. Brian Green, Executive Director of Christian Health Associates, as saying, “Anchorage Project Access is too important to fail.” This sentiment was the energy that propelled the numerous founders during the Anchorage Project Access implementation period.
As was noted in the program and by many who came to the podium, this award honoring Drs. Kaltenborn and Schumacher also “pays tribute to all those providers and health-related facilities and institutions that make Anchorage Project Access possible.”
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff, congratulations to Drs Kaltenborn, Schumacher and the numerous physicians and business professionals responsible for launching Anchorage Project Access in our community. And to the volunteer network that makes Anchorage Project Access a reality—a heartfelt thank you. Anchorage Project Access would not exist without your ongoing generosity.
Posted: May 1, 2009 by char
The Colleague: January 2016
The Colleague January 2016
Posted: April 4, 2009 by char
Hospice of Anchorage 2009 Local Community Service Award
Anchorage Project Access was a recipient of the prestigious Heroes of Healthcare award presented April 4, 2009 at the Seventh Annual Awards Dinner and Auction held at the Sheraton Hotel. The award is presented annually by Hospice of Anchorage.