Month: January 2021

Dry January

Believe it or not, drinking too much alcohol can have a substantial impact on our oral health… It can lead to a range of diseases from tooth decay to mouth cancer. #dryjanuary #whyyourmouthisasgratefulasyourliver #healthcare #gethealthy #wellness Contact APA today to find out if you qualify for #donateddentalcare!

Cervical Cancer Awareness

Regular Screening is Key! The most important thing you can do to help prevent cervical cancer is to have regular screening tests starting at age 21. #healthcare #gethealthy #wellness #cerviacalcancerawareness Contact APA today to find out if you qualify for #donatedhealthcare!

Dry January

Dry January sees people all around the world giving their liver a break… by abstaining from alcohol. What many of us may not realize is that our mouth is also going to appreciate the respite. #dryjanuary #whyyourmouthisasgratefulasyourliver #healthcare #gethealthy #wellness Contact APA today to find out if you qualify for #donateddentalcare!